Monday, November 27, 2006

I really dig me some Thanksgiving. I do believe it is my favorite holiday. Christmas is too stressful with the buying of the gifts and the spending of the money and what not. Thanksgiving is a day where everyone, except those cooking, get to relax and enjoy the day and the festiveness of it all.
This year I went to Jonathan's grandma's house. There were about 20 people there, most of whom I had met so that lessened the stress of meeting future family members, and lots and lots of pecan pie. I kid you not, there were at least 12 pies in that house and the majority of them were pecan. You would have thought that a squirrel in the backyard gathered the nuts all year and placed them in a wicker basket on the backporch so that 8 pecan pies could be baked to perfection.
There were lots of other items to partake in. Coke salad, 7 layer salad, all kinds of beans and peas and potatoes. I decided early on that I was going to be a good little girl this year and not gorge myself and play the role of fatty fat kid at the holiday feasts. The problem with this is, even though you say you are going to get small portions-or as we in the south say, 'helpings'- you still are left with 15 piles of Thanksgiving goodness on your plate which we all know equals one large pile of indigestion and clogged arteries.
This year was different for me. I only sampled the things I really enjoy. I opted for the dressing (which contained chicken bits in it so no need for turkey), baked beans, hashbrown casserole, 7 layer salad and a roll. Of course I was questioned if I had 'tried' the sweet potatoes or grandma's famous mashed potatoes, but I sweetly declined saying that I was very full with my selected dishes.
I will forever abide by this rule. I can have greenbeans or corn whenever my flippin heart desires and I may even peel potatoes for some mashed 'tators, but dressing, baked beans and 7 layer salads, and 8 pecan pies- those my friends, only come along a few times a year.


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