Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I was in a weird mood yesterday. First of all, my head was pounding and it was all my fault. For three weeks now I've been strictly following my low carb diet. I cheat once a week and that is usually enough to make me good till next week. This weekend, I was not so good. It started w/ a cookout at Jonathan's brother and sister in law's house. We were having burgers and hot dogs and fries (which I do not have a problem resisting) and cheesedip (a little devil of temptation, but totally can be done.) Jonathan and I are responsible for bringing chips and beverages. We roll to the gas station and he picks out Doritos. I have an issue with Doritos because we were not allowed to have chips as kids and if we were, it was the cheap ones like Kroger potato chips or some pretzels so Doritos at a friends house was like finding a roll of quarters. Anywho. We get to their house which p.s. is freaking huge and fun and full of kids. One of the cute munchkins wants a Dorito. I open the bag and place one in his chubby hand. Then I lick my fingers. Yum. That was good. Maybe I can have oneā€¦or 5 or 25. And you know the rest. (seriously, I really only did have 4 or 5). Me and my soon to be sister in law go into the kitchen and begin preparing the food. She lays out the fries, seasons the meat, and cuts up cheese for cheesedip. The cheese she places in a bowl, along with the Rotel. She then pulls a box out of the cabinet and begins dumping the contents on in the bowl of processed cheese and Rotel. It's brown and weird and looks a little like Dominos' Brown Sugar. I try to act all cool like everyone and their grandmother does this. Apparently I was not good at hiding my concern. She rolls her eyes and says, 'I know you think I'm crazy putting brown sugar in cheesedip, but let me tell you, it's excellent'. I say that I have no judgements and that she should proceed. In my head I'm thinking sugar: good, cheesedip: good.... so how could this go wrong?
After the 3 minute ding on the microwave, I pick up the spoon and begin to stir. It smells like heaven. I can't wait to taste it but the Nice n Cheesy is still not completely melted and fat kid wants the full effect of the one and only bite. After a few more minutes in the microwave, the process is complete. I pick up the Tostido Scoop and insert it into the bowl. I take the bite. I try to hold my excitement. This is seriously the best cheesedip I have EVER tasted. It is like a party in my mouth and I'm the only one invited. I take another chip, and another, and then I have to go outside. I think of an excuse to come in and snag another bite. Oh my gosh this must be what it's like to be a crack addict. I can't stop. It's the bestest thing ever. Jonathan is coming inside, and my excitement cannot be contained. I tell him to try it. He loves it. The next day, I make it for my mom and sister. They love it. It's crack I say, CRACK! Then, today as I write this, I realize how crazy I am to rant and rave about cheesedip when douche bags like Bush are running our country and I am relatively intelligent and should just write about something more brilliant. Sometimes cheesedip is just more fun.


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