Monday, January 08, 2007

This weekend was all about the wedding. I met with the wedding planner on Saturday morning, armed with my planning book. I walked away with a totally different flower choice, decoration schemes, a cake maker and a bit of a headache from all the girly wedding stuff.
On to the fun part….wedding registry. You give the jewerly clerk your driver's license, they give you a gun, you scan every little (or big) item that your heart desires and it is stored for others to view and you hope that each and every one of your items are purchased. I only got to scan a few items though because Jonathan was a gun hog. I guess it made him feel all manly and such but dang it, I like to pretend that everything I scan is going to magically appear at our apartment too. I got over it because he did let me pick out everything exactly how I wanted it, except the blender. He picked the blender.

I was proud that we did not go overboard on things. Yes, secretly you want the $54 digital iron and the Black and Decker super toaster that toasts 8 pieces at a time, but then you remember you have no cabinet space and rarely is toast toasted 8 pieces at a time, and you refrain from this idea.

During our journey of scanning, we found a new bedroom suite on sale for $105. It was pretty, it was black finish, it was perfect. It matched our whole bedroom.
We decided not to put this on the list and to just go ahead and purchase it. After a trip to the car with the electronics guy's measuring tape, Jonathan determined that yes, it will fit in my car and yes it will be an uncomfortable ride back to Little Rock, but it's worth it.
Two of Wal-Mart's finest loaded it into my car for us and we couldn't have been happier.
Until we got home and realized it was brown. Dark chocolate to be exact.
The smart folks over at the packaging plant decided to play a little bit of a joke on the consumer. Hardy har har, guys. Hardy har har. The box says 'black finish'. The sticker on the box says 'dark chocolate'. I have news for them, it's BROWN.
After another trip to Wal-Mart and a few discussions later, we decided that it was too good of a deal and that we would keep it and paint it.
The next day, Jonathan made his pilgrimage to Home Depot and talked to a young man employeed by this establishment who told him about paint and primer and also offered some advice about not bringing 'big girls home' for 'fun' in the platform bed because he had done so in college and this 'big girl' and himself broke the bed in their 'fun'.


We dressed in some bummy clothes and invaded his parent's garage. It started off kinda cute with our 1st project together. We sat up the radio, got drinks and prepared for an afternoon of priming and painting. The cuteness wore off about 5 pm when the primer was looking a little funky and the garage hit 30 below. I painted and painted till I was famished. We breaked, ate and I did not realize how tired we both were...

Until the Indian raindance.

We were painting quitely to ourselves and I got some paint on my finger. Perfect time to some some painting on a face. Jonathan beat me to it. 'Come here a second' he says. (I see the paint on his fingers). I ask why and he says he wants a kiss. The kiss leads into us almost jabbing each other in the eye with our finger. We wound up looking like Indian Warriors.

Now, I love my honey. He's very intelligent and can hold a conversation with anyone and has an opinion about everything but last night, he lost it. He grabbed a stick and started doing a raindance and spearing the buffalo. His mother thought we had rolled some fat ones in the garage or something because we were both painted on, and laughing histerically. This story would not be complete without the visuals. Enjoy.


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